Disaster Fund – On the first Sunday of the month, all the loose offerings are put into this fund.
This money is accumulated and used when we are called to respond to assist relief efforts, be
they locally, nationally, or worldwide.
5 Cents a Meal Fund – On the 4th Sunday of the month this money is collected and accumulated.
We are encouraged to physically collect 5 cents for each meal we eat or contribute a similar
amount to this fund. Periodically this money is donated equally to a local and a Diocesan hunger
Discretionary Fund – Pastor Julie uses this fund to assist individuals in emergency situations, at
her discretion. A special offering for Pastor’s discretionary fund is received on every fifth Sunday.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) – This offering is taken annually, usually on a Sunday in
November. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the
mission of the Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. At St. Paul’s we
have a supply of Blue Boxes available to use as a daily reminder, and special offering envelopes
are placed in the pews in November.
Please see our other pages on outreach to learn more about how we serve our community through God.
This money is accumulated and used when we are called to respond to assist relief efforts, be
they locally, nationally, or worldwide.
5 Cents a Meal Fund – On the 4th Sunday of the month this money is collected and accumulated.
We are encouraged to physically collect 5 cents for each meal we eat or contribute a similar
amount to this fund. Periodically this money is donated equally to a local and a Diocesan hunger
Discretionary Fund – Pastor Julie uses this fund to assist individuals in emergency situations, at
her discretion. A special offering for Pastor’s discretionary fund is received on every fifth Sunday.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) – This offering is taken annually, usually on a Sunday in
November. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the
mission of the Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. At St. Paul’s we
have a supply of Blue Boxes available to use as a daily reminder, and special offering envelopes
are placed in the pews in November.
Please see our other pages on outreach to learn more about how we serve our community through God.
Special thanks to St Pauls' and Thrivent member, Kathy Shope for applying for a $250 Action Team Grant. With the funds, we were able to purchase cat and dog food to give out at our monthly pantry. Volunteers for the July pantry are pictured on the right in their Thrivent "Live Generously" T-shirts.